Friday, January 23, 2009

Aje gile... gw kirain temen gw di Belgia ngomong ngaco, ternyata bener.

Kejadian hari ini yang dikutip sama OkeZone, dimana ada orang ngamuk di TK dan banyak anak yang luka-luka.

Gw ambil dari chattingan gw bareng temen2 yo:

[5:54:28 PM] freelock1 says: holy shit, there's an emergency plan going on for the moment at the hospital my wife works at, a crazy sun of a bitch attacked the departement lies, killed two parents and 3 children, no further details for the moment

[5:54:56 PM] Goffik says: WTF?

[5:55:01 PM] freelock1 says: sorry type the children departement at the hospîtal, don't know how you call that in English
[5:55:23 PM] Goffik says: We call it the childrens department, or childrens ward.
[5:55:23 PM] freelock1 says: typo* :@
[5:55:35 PM] Michael Rhys Oberholzer says: Shit, thats terrible news, maybe you should go see your Wife
[5:55:48 PM] freelock1 says: I'm not allowed in there and most certainly not now
[5:56:05 PM] Goffik says: I should think the place in lockdown by now
[5:56:08 PM] freelock1 says: they have called all the staff even those that were at home to help out immediately
[5:56:36 PM] freelock1 says: fuck man this is such a crazy world and it gets worse every day
[5:56:44 PM] Goffik says: Tell me about it
[5:56:52 PM] Michael Rhys Oberholzer says: No soory, know that, but sometimes just knowing you are close by helps.
[5:57:17 PM] freelock1 says: would like to but she asked me to stay close by the phone for now
[5:57:51 PM] Poe! says: :|
[5:57:55 PM] freelock1 says: glad I'm just an innocent gamer and sticking to my own business and in my own world
[5:58:04 PM] Michael Rhys Oberholzer says: Okay, understand,
[5:58:13 PM] freelock1 says: maybe not natural but at least its safe
[5:58:20 PM] Goffik says: Unfortunately, the innocent seem to get dragged into things, regardless.
[5:58:28 PM] freelock1 says: yeah I know
[5:58:46 PM] freelock1 says: I should be careful myself, cause luck ain't exactly my friend either
[5:58:58 PM] Goffik says: Join the club
[5:59:27 PM] Michael Rhys Oberholzer says: What worries me, is there sems to be increase in this type off SH&T
[5:59:35 PM] freelock1 says: gonna check the news in an hour on tv, it should be on by then
[5:59:47 PM] Goffik says: The way I see it, you've just got to get on with it. You can live your life looking over your shoulder and wrapping yourself in cotten wool. If something happens, it happens.
[6:00:02 PM] Goffik says: *cant live your life
[6:00:28 PM] freelock1 says: yep Mike, it gets worse everyday over here, before it was only something that happened for us in the US and in the movies but now Belgium is getting as dangerous as every other country
[6:00:53 PM] Poe! says: world is getting chaotic :|
[6:01:01 PM] freelock1 says: I try not to think too much about it Goffik and just do my thing, when it happens it happens

Dan chatting lanjut terus ampe akhirnya ketauan kalo si orang itu ternyata rada2 ga waras.
Well.. so much for this chaotic world, eh?

Ah yak, nama gw di chat itu "Poe!".
Yang Freelock1 itu nama aslinya Pascal, tinggal di Belgia. Istrinya dia kerja di rumah sakit tempat anak-anak yang terluka dibawa ke situ.
Goffik nama aslinya ya Goffik, orang UK seumuran gw.
Michael Rhys ya Michael, gw sih nyebutnya "om" soalnya ud tua (lebih tua dari bokap).

Gw cuma shock ajer, soalnya kita lagi chatting tentang perkembangan game sekarang ini, tau2 kejadian angker kayak gitu. Bleh -.-"
Untung istri ente ga nape2 ya, Pascal...

(Chatting nya di Skype, dan itu bukan rekayasa karena ampe sekarang gw nulis ini kita masih chatting :P)

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